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Poe Johnson

Page history last edited by Poe Johnson 12 years, 8 months ago

Yo. I'm a Aesthetic Studies PhD in my second semester. My background is in film and creative writing, and now I find myself interested in the study of various artistic forms and how they are consumed and subsequently altered by their fanbases. I've been reading comic books for just about my entire life. There are times that this love has threatened to consume me, but I think I've finally found an appropriate level of engagement. Currently, I go in and out of reading whatever the X-Men books are saturating the market. I'm also a bit of a Whedonite, though I haven't gotten around to Buffy season 9 yet. I loved Y The Last Man probably too much. Now it's The Walking Dead. I'm always in search of that latest obsession to dive into and rip apart before I hate myself and it.

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